

You’ve registered for your place – now it’s time to start smashing your fundraising target! Finding funds can sometimes feel like a daunting task, especially when you want to raise as much money as you can for you chosen cause. But it doesn’t have to be like that. Get your fundraising right, and it could be one of the biggest highlights of your whole challenge. 

Our Top Five Tips

  1. Start Early – Don’t leave all your fundraising to the last few weeks before the challenge, when your mind will be on packing and training. 
  2. Spread the word on Social Media – Use sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to tell the world about your challenge and spread the news as far and wide as you can. People won’t sponsor you if they haven’t heard what you’re doing!
  3. Make it Personal – Is this challenge special to you for a reason? Has your charity helped you or someone you know? If so, be sure to tell your contacts, as it’s these sorts of details that make people want to donate.
  4. Enlist Friends, Family and Colleagues – Got supportive mates? A family member with generous friends? The chances are they will want to help you fundraise, so get them onboard. 
  5. Don’t Stop – When you finally hit your target shout it from the rooftops – then keep going! Every penny you raise can make a huge difference, so challenge yourself to collect as much as you can.

A Few Fundraising Ideas

When it comes to filling the charity coffers, it’s always a good idea to get creative. If you’re planning to hold a sponsored event in public, don’t forget to contact local newspapers and magazines, who may be able to offer you and your challenge a spot of extra publicity. 

Below are a few ideas that have worked for our participants in the run-up to previous challenges. 

Car Boot Sales – Instead of letting unused items gather dust, why not sell them off? Reserve a place at your nearest local sale, and ask friends and family if they have anything they wish to donate. 

Corporate Donations – Approach local businesses to see if they can support your challenge with a donation of cash, or something you can use to pimp up a raffle or auction. 

Dress Down Friday – If you’re in an office and usually suited, find out if your company will agree to a mufti day, and ask for £5 donations from those taking part. 

Organise an Event – Can you put on a quiz night, disco or other themed-evening for your local community? People are usually happy to pay for a ticket for a fun evening, leaving you with some healthy funds for your cause once you’ve covered the event costs. 

Win a Free Day Off Work – Might your company be willing to let someone take a free day off? Find out from your boss. If so, you’ve bagged yourself a mega prize for a work-based raffle. 

Fundraising FAQs

If you’re raising money through an online service like Just Giving, the page will automatically transfer your donations to the charity/charities on a weekly or monthly basis depending on how much you have fundraised.

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